The New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE) partnered with the Queens Museum of Art and sought to create a graphic novel to raise awareness about immigration fraud in Jackson Heights, Queens. This initiative was part of the Immigrant Consumer Justice Campaign ¡Avispate y ponte pilas!
I art directed a short graphic novel in collaboration with NICE members who had been victims of immigration fraud.
I conducted focus groups research and brainstorming with members and organizers of NICE and co-wrote a storyline based on personal stories from members. I developed concepts, sketches and storyboards and conducted and coordinated photoshoots with participant members. The result of this engagement was a short graphic novel of 6 pages and 35 frames, that was published in El Diario NY.
More than 4000 copies were distributed and used nation-wide by leading community based organizations that are actively addressing immigration fraud.
No se deje engañar por los falsos abogados, El Diario NY, May 23, 2012
A New Kind of Comic Book Superhero? José Busca Legalizarse, Feet In 2 Worlds, May 30, 2012
Partnering for IMPACT!
Innovative Collaborations for Effective Organizing: Case Studies from a Conference and Exhibit Hosted by the Center for Urban Pedagogy, the Community Development Project at the Urban Justice Center and Hester Street Collaborative, June 4th, 2013
Thumbnail Sketching and Paneling
Location Scouting and Photoshooting
Digital Drawing
Final Design